How Can Legal Link Support You?
We have trained over 1,500 providers to act as community justice workers and we are thrilled to be supporting and growing this network.
Meet Some of Our Community Justice Workers
Susana Sandoval
Hamilton FamiliesBecause of my work with Legal Link, I know what questions to ask in order to address participant needs and I have a more productive relationship with participants who trust the information I provide.
Melanie Mireles
Catholic CharitiesI learned so much from my work with Legal Link - the legal system can be a lot easier to navigate when provided with proper guidance.
Nikki Mobini
Homeless Prenatal ProgramI noticed a pattern of landlords refusing to rent to tenants because the clients wanted to pay rent with a subsidy or voucher. With support from Legal Link, I learned more about the issue and I was able to report these illegal actions and hold the landlords accountable.